Sunday, December 5, 2010

once upon a december

well hey!
college life is really busy and i really have no motivation to blog. who even reads, anyways?
BUT, thought i would update anyway.. i've been reading other people's blogs so now here i go!

Finals week is coming up, which means extended curfew, maximum stress, and no sleep. Yay! I have not even started freaking out about finals yet, because I am still working on my presentation thats worth like all my credit this semester in my hardest class! Yess! AND i had a boyfriend this last week. So i didn't get much work done... but then I realized I didn't have boyfriend feelings for him, but more like for a brother, so now it's back to the grindstone.

I've got to say, college is not what I would have expected. In some ways it is, and in some ways it is SO much better. I have some amazing friends from Japan that are coming home with me for Christmas. I have some amazing friends from all over the country that were there for me last night when I broke up with my boyfriend/brother. And I have a crazy roommate that throws cookie/dirty santa parties in which you are forced to put on goodwill undies... don't ask.
I've experienced so much already this semester, and I know that there is so much more in store! Not just finals week and Christmas coming up, but Spring Sing and Spring Break and everything! ANNND! Next fall I will be studying abroad on the Pacific Rim! I am so excited. Throughout the semester we will stay in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and make a last stop in Hawaii! It is such a dream come true for an "Asian lover" and traveler like myself. I can't wait to experience everything that I possibly can!

The other night before the brother/boy and I broke up we watched Anastasia. It is probably the only non-Disney (no, it is NOT disney!) animated film that anyone could ever love! When I was younger it TERRIFIED me. I mean, there are demons and curses and mostly dead guys trying to kill the Russian Royal family!! I love the music though, especially one song that comes in at several different parts of the movie.
"Dancing bears, painted wings,
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings,
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

(Instrumental Interlude)

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember

And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a December"

I really love the song!
I can't wait to experience the rest of college... I sure hope its as difficult and awesome and fun as it has been so far! Except maybe the difficult part... Anyway, Merry Christmas to whoever reads this!
Going back to the study of medieval Waldensianism,


  1. Ah yes. The beauty of not so "dead week" and finals at OC. Actually, it is one of those rare times of the year that I absolutely love. In the past I've had so much free time right around now... This year is a little bit different, and I'll probably spend the entire week locked away writing/doing homework...and I'm actually kind of excited :s Just look at it as OC saying you have too much to do and not enough time to do it...and then prove them wrong by getting it done :p Who are you taking home with you? I'm super jealous you are going on Pac Rim, but I'll get my turn to travel eventually...I just need to keep proving OC wrong during finals week and eventually I'll get out of here :p Just remember though, that while you are excited to experience everything you can on Pac Rim, there are still experiences to be had here. I love that song...very melancholic... but I appreciate that in music. Good luck with your presentation ^_~


  2. Love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aunt Linda

  3. Very nice. Great thoughts. Life's an incredible journey; college is only the beginning.

  4. thanks all!!! :D
    @alex, rina and natsumi are coming with me ^^
