Monday, September 27, 2010

the little things

I just wrote this in response to a scholarship prompt, but I liked it so here you are; enjoy!

If there was one thing I could say to the world, the whole entire world all at once, it would be to say, "Enjoy the little things." Since starting college a little over a month ago, I have been going back and forth from one thing to the next all of the time. Between classes, studying and homework, my job, and the school show I participated in, I had very little time to sit back and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. A late-night cup of tea became the highlight of my day. Getting to go grocery shopping with friends a rare delight. Eating soft-serve ice cream with sprinkles from the 'caf,' a source of joy. With less time for structured 'fun,' the accidental or simple pleasures gained in importance. College has shown me to enjoy the little things, those that would otherwise go unnoticed. So, world, go enjoy your sprinkles.

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