Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Onamae wa nandesuka?

Colllege is, in a word, awesome.
I haven't slept over 9 hours in a night so far... actually probably more like 7... and haven't gone to bed before 12 in at least 2 weeks.
I have had to work and study every single second of my life.
I have met some completely AMAZING people from all over the world.
I learned how to ask "What is your name?" in Japanese-- see title.
I somehow got voted to be the Student Government Rep for my dorm... yikes!
I have LOST weight... whoever came up with the "Freshman 15" was dumb... more like -15!
I accidentally got glutened... minor setback.
I have thrush? minor setback.
ILOVECOLLEGE.... who knows why!


  1. I miss you! Glad you're having fun in college :)

  2. I knew you would love it! Take care of yourself, sweet girl. Mom
