Monday, June 27, 2011


Hello, blogscape. It's been awhile.
Since my last post, I have
1 Aced all my classes! :D
2 Moved home
3 Spent a lovely month chilling with my boy and my family, alternately

4 Got a receptionist job at a Vietnamese nail salon
5 Said goodbye to the boy for summer, and missed him every day
6 Kept seeing my family every day (it's weird how that happens when you're at home!)
7 Worked at the nail salon and wondered what everyone is saying all the time, and got my nails done for free!

8 Went to Gulf Shores, AL with my family! Lovely beach time, but no tan, unfortunately.

9 Came home and got back to work
10 Found sort of a second job- trying to help Middle Eastern summer students at OC practice their English
11 Repeated steps 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10.
12 And I've prayed. A whole lot. Thank you, Lord for a direct line!

In the mean time, this weekend I will be visiting my mama and papa! And later in July I am planning a groovy road trip with some college gal pals to drive cross-country and watch Harry Potter together! I can't wait!
Also, I started a tumblr today, just for little interesting things. Please visit if you ever feel like it. :)

2 months til China
aka Hannah
or, I miss Jason

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