Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life in hong kong

Unfortunately, I havent been able to blog from China. But now I'm in Hong Kong! So! Here's an overview of my trip thus far:
We started off by staying in Beijing for 2 weeks, at Capital Normal University. It was really cool to see all the ancient Chinese sites such as the forbidden city and the temple of heaven, and also get to live like a local student, eating at tiny local restaurants and going to lectures each day. We also visited some more modern, urban places, such as this really awesome art district called 798(look it up) and the zoo(PANDAS!) After Beijing we moved on to Xi'an where we spent a few days in the inner city and a few days staying with farming families!  We saw the TERRA COTTA warriors. Be jealous. At the farming village we danced with the villagers at night, awesome. Unfortunately I also sprained my foot on the stairs at the farmers house. :/ I had to go to a Chinese doctor who didn't look at my foot and said it was fine, and gave me a prescription for Chinese herbal pain killers. Luckily it's almost fine now and not broken(I think). 
I am now in Hong Kong!! I have a cold too so I haven't done a ton of fun stuff yet. We did go to Kowloon park today and on a junk boat ride (think Asian pirates in POTC)! I keep getting sunburnt though cause I'm so white and forgetting sunscreen. 

In conclusion, here are the top things I've learned in China. 
1. "Not everything is as it seems" -Chinese missionary
2. Always carry tissue/toilet paper
3. Only shake right hands
4. Babies don't wear diapers but just have a slit in their pants to go on the street. 
5. Handicap stall=western toilet. Steal it from a granny she's been squatting her whole life. 
6. If you are short and white, or just American,  then you are "very beautiful."
7. Engrish=hilarious
8. Rice is your best food friend.
9. Squattie potties are from the devil and I always end up peeing on my shoes. 
We leave for Japan on Wednesday, yay!!

1 comment:

  1. great update. Fun to hear about. Thanks. Come home barefoot...(or leave your shoes on the front porch) :)
