Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I lied. In general i prefer never to lie, but when i said "Not tonight," i was mistaken. The lure of the idea of a blog was just too much. As you can see, this post is titled "Holga." Some may wonder what that is, which is just what I am about to explain. It all starts at Christmas. I have an old film SLR of my dad's, a relic of the 1980's. Whoa. i know. Ancient. So, since I am a photography enthusiast, I asked for it to be refurbished for my Christmas present. Unfortunately, the camera would cost more to fix than it was worth. So instead, my parents dug around for a film camera for aspiring photographers, and came up with a HOLGA. A Holga is a primitive, plastic, point and shoot camera with no automation, no SLR, and is reknowned for its... stylistic ghettoness. Basically. "There are whole art shows dedicated to Holga photos!" my parents told me. So here I go, new tripod and pink Holga in hand... oh! Didn't I mention? IT'S PINK. So anyway... here's the deal. The shutter on a Holga is not something you click and BOOM! a picture is born. No, it is a switch which can be held open for as long as possible. So, when you are a Holga amateur like I am, with such high hopes and limited knowledge, you end up with some black photos, come white photos, and a few passable gray ones. But the streaking from leaked light truly creates an interesting and old-fashioned look on the photos, especially when working with black and white film. I'll try to scan some prints in and post them. But, in conclusion, I have just one thing to say about the Holga... Try being taken seriously as a photographer while walking around with a pink plastic camera.

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