Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thoughts on love

Sometimes I feel very sad that I do not have a boyfriend.
I'll admit it.
Often, I feel slightly sad, othertimes much more sad.
Several weeks ago, my friend was having some boy troubles, and in my evening devotional several verses came up and ideas and thoughts flowed from there. This is actually why I started this blog, to share these thoughts. And look at me, no even having put this up yet, with it as my sole purpose?
Even today, as I had a date with a guy I was not very interested in, tonight I find myself feeling... less of myself? because I feel like I "need" a beaux. {Isn't 'beaux' a nifty word for bf? lol}
I don't even like any certain person! The wish for love is in all of us.
So, here are a few verses and thoughts on teen love/angst for anyone out there who may stumble across this... including myself in a few years, since a blog is easier to find than a torn piece of paper.
-Song of Songs 2:7
"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles anf by the does of the field:

This verse in itself should be a charge unto so many of us girls. How many of us have dated or 'liked' a guy just say it?
As the song "Crush" by David Archuleta goes (I love him!) "Is this real or is it just another crush?"
Song of Songs 8:6-7 says
"Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealosy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love,
it would be totally scorned."

You may wonder what on earth that passage is saying. I think, after reading a cool little devo on it in my teen devo Bible, that it's talking about the intensity and strength of real love. So often, a guy and girl date for two weeks and say "I love you." But there's no way they can know real love at that point! And besides, doesn't God's idea for love sound better?
Psalms 28:6-9 reads
"Praise be to the LORD,
for he has hear my CRY for mercy.
The LORD iss my STRENGTH and my SHILED,
my heart TRUSTS in HIM,
and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
The LORD is the strength of his people,
a FORTRESS of salvation for his anointed one,
save your people and bless your inheritance.
Be their sheperd and carry them forever."

This verse, while on the surface is 'simply' talking about God's amazing love, is also talking about how he sustains us and cares for us.
I don't know how many girls out there are like me, but personally, I tend to lean on guys for support. Do you know what I'm talking about? Like, oh, if I just go on a date with him, maybe it will "carry me forever"
That's what GOD does.
In Phil Wickams song "Divine Romance," our relationship with God is shown in a different light. The idea of one's relationship with God as a "Divine Romance" appeals to girls like me who have read Pride & Prejudice at least 10 times. The songs says, "For YOU(that would be GOD), I sing, I dance! rejoice! in this divine romance. Lift my heart and my hands to show my LOVE."
If all us girls put God as #1 in line for our love and ultimate romance, and put guys down at #2, or even 3, wouldn't we all ultimately be more happy with our relationship with God, our view of ourselves,and our relationships with other girls?
Psalms 27:11,14
Teach me Your way, O LORD,
lead me in a straight path
because my oppressors...
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and WAIT for the LORD.

I know whoever is reading may not agree with what I've said, but if you actually read this, let me know and tell me what you think.
God Bless,
Hannah Vaughn

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