Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Here we go!

Well, here we go! Tomorrow I help two of my BEST friends move into their college dorms, and I move into mine this Saturday.

"Here we go! I can survive in this world, what more could i hope for?" These are the lyrics to a catchy Korean song by one of my favorite groups-Super Junior. The 'here we go!' is in English in the song, but it took some looking around to find the rest of the words. They seem rather fitting though. Here I go, moving out, leaving the nest, but I CAN survive in this world! Even I DO have 16 hours, work and I'm in honors... wait I can?! HAH!

Here we go!- Tonight was my final FINAL night of youth group. Youth group, my support system for the last 6 years of my life. Poof. Here we go.

A week and a half ago I got back from our family vacation to the mountains. As my senior trip, part of the trip was to the Grand Canyon. Let me tell you, it's grand! haha. But this was my last vacation as one of the 'kids,' it sort of seemed. Not as if I will no longer vacation with my family; I most definately will. But still, 'here we go.' A new world awaits.

Here we go!
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Romans 12:12 (Hi matt johns! this one is on your ankle!) Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

I'm not too worried about college. I was really freaking out a lot the last week, driven to distraction even. But i prayed a lot about it, and funnily enough God led my mom and brother to drag me into my dorm room early for a sneak peak (we're so bad). It really eased my mind somehow. It's still scary to leave the home and family I hold so dear, but I know God has a plan! And strangely enough, he put me in it!!

Another interesting thing happened tonight- I got a text from the former boyfriend. At first i WIGGED out. He wanted to go for 'one last swing.' Swinging had been our thing when we were first flirting and dating. I was like no no no, almost crying, I can not will not why?! But then I thought about it for a minute, and I went. We just talked, friendly, what is going on, are you ready for college, blah blah. And after I felt such a peace. (I had prayed frantically ALL the way there.) He just wanted to clear up our friendship and make sure there was no more "awkwardness" -his word. God has really blessed me today.

And on top of that, when I went with my mom and sister to get a pedicure earlier, the owner gave us mine for free! Did I mention her daughter is one of my best friends that I'm helping tomorrow? :)

And besides all this Hannah-ness, my BABY brother and sister start 8th grade tomorrow. YIKES! HERE WE GO!!!

So,"Here we go! I can survive in this world, what more could I hope for? Is it only my eyes that see this? The world is really amazing. There's nothing better than this..."

God Bless



  1. Hey Hannah! Just ran across your blog while I'm up feeding the baby (at 4am!!) This is a great post, and I just wanted to tell you how much we are excited to have you at OC! I definitely remember having a lot of the same thoughts/anxiety before I started at OC, but you are going to love it!! College is SO much fun!! It goes by fast, so enjoy every minute! See you soon...

  2. Wow. Amazing thoughts. Thank you. You are an amazing lady, HannahB! Love you. Here we go!

  3. I am so excited to see you on campus! You are so wonderful and OC will be SO blessed to have you. :)

  4. Hannah, you are an inspiration. The world will be turned over to "your group" shortly. Learn a lot in College and make lots of friends. They will sustain you later in life. God is with you always. Future generations are always "my generations" best hope and you're it girl.
    God speed to you.
    Love you,
    Aunt Linda

  5. I love you so much!! I'm praying for you as you go to college...that's weird to say! But we will definitely still be hanging out :)
