Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well, hello there cyberspace! (aka Victoria... :D)
Just thought that I should post again... not that anyone reads (VICTORIA).

Life has been crazy lately- Jr High Camp Counseling,
Death of my great-grandmother, break up with boyfriend, another week of camp,
a weekend with the mama and papa, a week of working and packing, and next a mission trip, and family vacation/church retreat to Colorado!
The rest of my summer seems to be coming at me FAST. On the one hand I am SO excited to start college... and on the other hand i wish summer could go on forever!
Some of my best friends will be moving an hour away to college, as will my now ex, who is still causing drama...
and I'll be making all new friends and learning to share a room with a fellow human! and taking 16 hours and working 8. EEK!
I sure hope these last 5 weeks of summer go SLOWLY and AMAZINGLY, i just wish they could last FOREVER.

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy!!!!! I'm glad you decided to write on your blog again and put my name in it! :) haha well I love you and I hope you have a great rest of the week!!! You're GREAT!
