Friday, March 19, 2010

Hello, world! That is, whoever sees this.
{which is no one.}
[which is everyone,
that matters.]

why am i up still? why am i posting? whyyyy

halelujah, i'm fallinggggggggg
[{ohh TOP, my love}]

who am i going to go to prom with?!?
{no one.}
why did i make this matter in my mind?
why did i say to myself, i'm gonna have a date this year.
why did i go against my own rules, and now i'm worried about who i might go with to a DANCE?
a stupid high school PROM?
{i love prom.}
[my friends are finally going too.]
the lilies of the valley do not worry or toil or spin. God clothes them.
the lilies don't go to prom either.
not that God isn't big enough for prom.
it's like he's TOO big.
why does it matter about my prom?
{it's my fifth.}
[it shouldn't mattter.]
but it does.
O! Lord! I cry out to you among the nations.
save me from my eniquity.
save me from my worry.
from my shame.
o! Lord. heal me.