Monday, May 17, 2010

mommy, wow! I'm a bigg kid now!

well, it's been awhile.
I'm no longer freaking out about who to go to prom with. In fact, i had a date, and i am now DATING him. That's right, boyfriend!

that's us at prom! :)
Anyway, so much happens in the land of end-of-senior-year. Graduation was this past weekend, although we still have two more weeks of school!

There's me and the triplets before graduation.
It still seems surreal to me that I graduated and am going to college in the fall, although I've already enrolled and got my Macbook Pro (yeah!!)
It's sort of like adventures in "it's-about-to-be-almost-grown-up-world." I'll be legal this week, as will Jacob. (The BOY). It's been so long since I had a REAL 'boyfriend' that not only this time is it different, it's... real. I'm not a little girl playing girlfriend with a little boy. Ok, so we're young and all of that but still, it's like my first "adult" relationship. Did i mention we're going to different colleges? Mmhmm...
Everyone keeps asking me, what's your major going to be? And I answer brightly, I don't know. I will know one day, but that day sure isn't now. Some laugh and some say I'm honest. But really, I'm just a kid trying to adjust to being a big kid.
"Mommy, WOW! I'm a BIG KID NOW!"
Isn't it funny how a potty training commercial can apply so well to this time in life?
Wow, Mom, I really am a big kid. Not quite a grown up, no longer a kid, still in my teens.
I'm working at a snowcone stand this summer, twenty minutes from home. I'm excited, but nervous. What on earth am I thinking? I'm thinking a job's a job, so I'll drive uphill both ways or whatever.
I don't really know what I'm getting at with all this, but that right now is a huge transition and yet I have yet to start that transition. Still going to high school every day, even though I graduated, etc. But I guess that's just how it goes.
See you in a couple months? Sure. Maybe sooner, if you (you being the blog, or me, or no one since that's who is reading) get lucky.
God Bless

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