Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well, it's finally summertime! I love the IDEA of summertime. And right now I still love actual summer, too. I set goals for the summer, like exercising and learning Korean and cleaning my room. But then in a few weeks I fall off the boat, have no idea how to speak Korean, haven't worked out once and still can't see my floor. Why do I do this?
This summer will be different. I WILL fulfill my list. I will ADD to my list! I will take full advantage not only of the lazy capability of summer but also of the fun and freedom! I WILL!
Just watch me.
(That's Korean for goodbye; I think...)
P.S. I'm gonna blog more too!... hah...

1 comment:

  1. At least you blogged, and had fun, and cleaned your room...
